
Understanding The Treatment Needs of Women With Substance Use Disorders

Understanding The Treatment Needs of Women 
With Substance Use Disorders 

Oral Presentation
Presenter by
Imelda Indriyani

Women with substance use disorders have unique biopsychosocial needs that should be addressed if their treatment is to be successful. There are special issues related to hormones, menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause that can impact women’s struggles with drug use. Women also describe unique reasons for using drugs, including controlling weight, fighting exhaustion, coping with pain, and self-treating mental health problems. Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.2 percent of females age 12 and older were classified with substance dependence or abuse in 2004, but only 0.9 percent of females received treatment in 2004 (SAMHSA 2005). 

When women enter substance abuse treatment they typically present with a more severe clinical profile (more medical, behavioral, psychological, and social problems) than men, despite having used less of the substance and having used the substance for a shorter period of time compared with men. Clinicians are increasingly aware of the important differences between men and women with regard to the physical effects of substance use and the specific issues related to substance use disorders. They are also recognizing that these differences have an impact on treatment. Knowledge of these unique factors is essential for treatment providers to fully understand the contexts of women’s lives and their needs. Treatment services that address women’s specific issues are more effectivefor women than are traditional programs, originally designed for men. 

Treatment services for women must extend beyond standard care to address specific needs for women such as medical services, health promotion, life skills, family and child-related treatment services, comprehensive and coordinated case management, and mental health services. Therefore treatment services for women with substance use disorders need to be based on a holistic and woman centered approach that acknowledges their psychosocial needs.

Keywords: women, substance use disorders, biopsychosocial needs, treatment

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